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■ 支付超出48小时正常工作时间的工资(或者按照当地或国家法律规定的更长正常工时)Q1Q兆毅咨询

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■ 培训是应强制执行的工作要求的一部分。例如,职业健康与安全培训Q1Q兆毅咨询

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Business partners observe this principle when they respect the right of the workers to receive fair remuneration that is sufficient to provide them with a decent living fothemselves and their families, as well as the social benefits legally granted, without prejudice to the specific expectations set out hereunder.Q1Q兆毅咨询

Business partners shall comply, as a minimum, with wages mandated by governments’ minimum wage legislation, or industry standards approved on the basis of collective bargaining, whichever is higher.Q1Q兆毅咨询

Wages are to be paid in a timely manner, regularly, and fully in legal tender. Partial payment in the form of allowance “in kind” is accepted in line with ILO specifications. The level of wages is to reflect the skills and education of workers and shall refer to regular working hours.Q1Q兆毅咨询

Deductions will be permitted only under the conditions and to the extent prescribed by law or fixed by collective agreement.Q1Q兆毅咨询






Per rule of the PRC Employment Law article 48 and Opinion of the Ministry of Labour on Several Questions concerning the Implementation of the Labour Law (1995) article 57: Employees, including those who are in probationary, training or internship period, shall not be paid lower than the local minimum standard.Q1Q兆毅咨询


Per rule of PRC Employment Law article 20: During the probation period, the wages of a labourer may not be less than the lowest wage paid for the equivalent job post within the Unit or less than 80 percent of the wage agreed upon in the labour contract, nor may it be lower than the minimum wage standard of the employing Unit site.Q1Q兆毅咨询



Per rule of PRC Employment Law article 8: When a Unit concludes a labour contract with a labourer, it shall truthfully inform him as to the content of the work, the working conditions, the work site, occupational hazards, production safety conditions, labour remuneration and other matters the labourer wishes to know. The Unit has the right to know basic information about the labourer which directly relates to the labour contract, and the labourer shall truthfully provide the information.Q1Q兆毅咨询



Per rule of PRC Employment Law article 50: Wages shall be paid monthly to labourers in the form of currency. The wages paid to labourers shall not be deducted or delayed without justification.Q1Q兆毅咨询



Per rule of the PRC Provisional Regulations for the Payment of Wages article 16: If an employee causes his or her employer to suffer economic loss, the employer may demand compensation in accordance with the employment contract. The employer may deduct such compensation on a monthly basis from the employee from the employee’s monthly wage in an amount not exceeding 20% of the same. However, if, as a result of such deduction, the employee’s wages would fall below the local minimum wage, then the employer must at least pay the employee the minimum wage according to the local standard.Q1Q兆毅咨询



Per rule of the Regulation for the Payment of Wages in Guangdong Province article 15: Employing unit suffering direct economic loss due to the fault of labourer, the unit may deduct the compensation from the labourer’s wage if the labourer should be charged with the compensation responsibility, but the reason of deduction and the amount should be with prior written notice. The deduction should not be deducted if there was no prior written notice. The balance of wage after deduction should not be lower than the local minimum wage standard.Q1Q兆毅咨询


Per rule of the Regulation on Employee for the Payment of Wages in Shenzhen City article 34: Employing unit may deduct the expense from the employee wages as follows:Q1Q兆毅咨询


1. An employee causes employing unit to suffer economic loss.Q1Q兆毅咨询

2. The economic punishment as per the rule and regulation of employing unit developed according to the law.Q1Q兆毅咨询

3. The other expense agreed by the employees themselves. The surplus wage should not be lower than the minimum wage after employing units deduct the expense of the above-mentioned items 1 and 2.Q1Q兆毅咨询




















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