

法定文件 - Legal Documents & LicensesTCh兆毅咨询
1、营业执照 - Operating LicenseTCh兆毅咨询
2、未成年工许可证和体检表 - Underage Workers Permit & Physical Examination RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
3、用工许可证 - Recruitment Permits (some localities)TCh兆毅咨询
4、电工许可证 - Electrician's LicenseTCh兆毅咨询
5、锅炉工许可证 - Boiler Operator's LicenseTCh兆毅咨询
6、保安许可证 - Security Guards' LicenseTCh兆毅咨询
7、食堂工作人员健康证 - Cafeteria Worker's Sanitary LicenseTCh兆毅咨询
8、医生执照 - Doctor's PermitTCh兆毅咨询
9、未成年工使用许可证 - Underage Workers PermitTCh兆毅咨询
10、食堂卫生许可证 - Cafeteria Sanitary LicenseTCh兆毅咨询
11、综合计时制批复 - Comprehensive Working hour PermitTCh兆毅咨询
12、当地劳动部门的特殊申请文件 - Special Applications to Labor DepartmentTCh兆毅咨询

厂规 - (Facility Internal Manuals)TCh兆毅咨询
13、员工手册/雇佣条款 - Employee Handbook/ Terms and Conditions of EmploymentTCh兆毅咨询
14、工厂内部管理规定 - Company ManualTCh兆毅咨询
15、工会章程,集体合同 - Trade Union documents and Collective BargainingTCh兆毅咨询
16、员工求职申请表 - Job Application FormTCh兆毅咨询
17、工厂平面图及简介 - Factory Floor Plan & Brief IntroductionTCh兆毅咨询

健康和安全 - Safety and HealthTCh兆毅咨询
18、机器设备检查记录 - Machinery Inspection / Service LogsTCh兆毅咨询
19、机器设备清单 - Machine inventoryTCh兆毅咨询
20、锅炉使用登记证 - Certificate for BoilerTCh兆毅咨询
21、工伤记录 - Accident/Injury LogTCh兆毅咨询
22、急救程序 -   Emergency Medical ProceduresTCh兆毅咨询
23、火灾逃生图 - Evacuation PlanTCh兆毅咨询
24、应急疏散预案 - Emergency/Fire Action PlanTCh兆毅咨询
25、消防演习记录 - Fire Drill recordsTCh兆毅咨询
26、消防安全培训记录 - Records of Training for Safety & Fire PreventionTCh兆毅咨询
27、防火设备检查记录 - Fire fighting equipment inspection RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
28、断针记录 - Needle RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
29、义务消防员名单及培训记录 - List of Volunteers fire prevention team and training recordsTCh兆毅咨询
30、安全技术说明书 - MSDSTCh兆毅咨询

Regular Documentations & RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
31、员工相关文件 - Worker DocumentationTCh兆毅咨询
32、个人档案 - Personel filesTCh兆毅咨询
33、身份证明及外来员工就业证/许可证 - ID card copy /residence permits/working permitTCh兆毅咨询
34、流动人员记录 - Immigration RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
35、社会保险登记证 - Social Security RegistrationTCh兆毅咨询
36、缴纳社会保险证明 - Payment of Social InsuranceTCh兆毅咨询
37、工时记录 - Time Cards or Applicable Time RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
38、工资单 - Payroll Ledger (periods to be selected during the audit)TCh兆毅咨询
39、每年离职人员记录 - Annual Leave RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
40、病假记录 - Sickness Leave RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
41、产假记录 - Maternity Leave RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
42、婚嫁记录 - Marital Leave RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
43、带薪休假记录 - Paid Vacation RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
44、奖金\福利及经济惩罚记录 - Bonus and Allowances and/or monetary penaltiesTCh兆毅咨询
45、用工许可证 - Recruitment Permits (some localities)TCh兆毅咨询
46、计件产量记录 - Piece Tickets RecordsTCh兆毅咨询
47、审计当日工人出勤记录 - Employee Attendance Record on Date of AuditingTCh兆毅咨询


48、分包协议 - Agreement of SubcontractTCh兆毅咨询
49、宿舍,食堂分包合同 - Subcontract of Dormitory and/or CafeteriaTCh兆毅咨询
50、保安分包合同 - Subcontract of Security GuardsTCh兆毅咨询
51、之前的验厂报告 - Last Audit ReportTCh兆毅咨询
52、员工意见信 - Complaint messages from employeesTCh兆毅咨询


进出口相关文件 - Documents Regarding Export and ImportTCh兆毅咨询
53、出口文件(包括配额,发票,提货单) Export Documents (including quota, invoice, bill of   lading, etc bill of   lading, etcTCh兆毅咨询
54、进出口许可证   - Export/Import LicenseTCh兆毅咨询
55、报关单 - Customs DeclarationTCh兆毅咨询
56、产地证 - Original Source CertificateTCh兆毅咨询
57、进出口合同 - Export / Import ContractsTCh兆毅咨询



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