

  Confidential 1Eqj兆毅咨询

  Global Social ComplianceEqj兆毅咨询


  Confidential 2Eqj兆毅咨询

  Dear Partner,Eqj兆毅咨询

  Enclosed please find a manual that will summarize the TJX social compliance program. TJXEqj兆毅咨询

  considers this manual to be proprietary between us and our agents and vendors. Should you haveEqj兆毅咨询

  any questions regarding the information provided, please feel free to contact us as soon asEqj兆毅咨询


  TJX requires all suppliers to be audited to local legal standards and to the TJX Vendor Code ofEqj兆毅咨询

  Conduct. TJX requests that all necessary parties have access to the corrective action plan (CAP),Eqj兆毅咨询

  and that they work together to ensure compliance.Eqj兆毅咨询

  If you have questions regarding TJX requirements, please send an e-mail to Marney Letendre at:Eqj兆毅咨询

 , ‘CHE’ HyoSeung Choi at (CSCC), orEqj兆毅咨询

  Anabela Fonseca at (Intertek). We look forward to working with youEqj兆毅咨询

  and your factory(s).Eqj兆毅咨询

  Best Regards,Eqj兆毅咨询

  Marney LetendreEqj兆毅咨询

  TJX Global Social Compliance ManagerEqj兆毅咨询

  TJX Contact:Eqj兆毅咨询

  Marney LetendreEqj兆毅咨询

  TJX Global Social Compliance ManagerEqj兆毅咨询

  770 Cochihuate RoadEqj兆毅咨询

  Framingham, MA 01701Eqj兆毅咨询

  Ph: (508) 390-2595Eqj兆毅咨询

  Fax: (508) 390-5123Eqj兆毅咨询


  CSCC Contact:Eqj兆毅咨询

  ‘Che’ HyoSeung ChoiEqj兆毅咨询

  Client Services Account ManagerEqj兆毅咨询

  66 Hudson Street, 1/FEqj兆毅咨询

  Hoboken, NJ 07093Eqj兆毅咨询

  Ph: (201) 792-7540Eqj兆毅咨询

  Fax: (201) 792-4428Eqj兆毅咨询


  Intertek Contact:Eqj兆毅咨询

  Anabela FonsecaEqj兆毅咨询

  Client Services Account ManagerEqj兆毅咨询

  70 Diamond RoadEqj兆毅咨询

  Springfield, NJ 07081Eqj兆毅咨询

  Ph: (973) 924-2510Eqj兆毅咨询

  Fax: (973) 379-5232Eqj兆毅咨询


  Confidential 3Eqj兆毅咨询


  Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………4Eqj兆毅咨询

  The TJX Companies, Inc. Vendor Code of Conduct ……………………………………...… 5Eqj兆毅咨询

  Agent Requirements …………………………………………………………………...…… 6Eqj兆毅咨询

  Vendor Requirements …………………………………………………………….…….…. 8Eqj兆毅咨询

  Audit Procedure Outline…………………………………………………………….…….…. 10Eqj兆毅咨询

  Factory Evaluation Checklist ……………………………………………..………………..….. 12Eqj兆毅咨询

  Grading Scheme ………………………………………………………………………………. 14Eqj兆毅咨询

  Frequently Asked Questions …………………………………………………………………. 15Eqj兆毅咨询

  CSCC Regional Offices …………………………………………………….………………… 17Eqj兆毅咨询

  Intertek Regional Offices …………………………………………………….………………… 18Eqj兆毅咨询

  Factory Addition Form..………………………………………………………………………. 19Eqj兆毅咨询

  Confidential 4Eqj兆毅咨询


  TJX is fully committed to operating our business in accordance not merely with applicable law,Eqj兆毅咨询

  but also the highest standards of business ethics. We hold our vendors to these same highEqj兆毅咨询


  We strongly value the relationships that we have developed with our suppliers -- relationshipsEqj兆毅咨询

  that we believe have been a key factor in TJX’s success. These relationships have been built on aEqj兆毅咨询

  foundation of honesty, trust and a commitment to ethical business practices. It is thereforeEqj兆毅咨询

  important that our suppliers respect the laws and the cultures of the communities in which theyEqj兆毅咨询

  operate. Our suppliers must also respect the rights of the workers who manufacture products forEqj兆毅咨询

  sale in TJX stores. TJX expects its suppliers to act responsibly and to do their best to ensure thatEqj兆毅咨询

  no abusive, exploitative or illegal conditions exist at their workplaces. TJX requires thatEqj兆毅咨询

  suppliers act in accordance with all applicable laws, as well as the accompanying TJX VendorEqj兆毅咨询

  Code of Conduct (“Code”). Where local or industry practices exceed the requirements of theEqj兆毅咨询

  Code, the Code provides that the higher standard applies.Eqj兆毅咨询

  TJX has selected both Cal Safety Compliance Corp. (CSCC) and Intertek as its third-partyEqj兆毅咨询

  compliance monitors (“auditors”) to conduct inspections and verifications of manufacturingEqj兆毅咨询

  facilities where TJX products are made. We require that all suppliers cooperate with the auditorsEqj兆毅咨询

  by providing verification that allows the auditors and/or TJX representatives to inspect itsEqj兆毅咨询

  facilities to ensure compliance with the Code. TJX’s Code applies to each purchase orderEqj兆毅咨询

  submitted to our suppliers. The information that the auditors gather will be made available toEqj兆毅咨询

  factory management, vendor management, agent management, and TJX management, and will beEqj兆毅咨询

  the basis for which improvements will be made.Eqj兆毅咨询

  The purpose of this document is to inform our suppliers of the mechanics of the complianceEqj兆毅咨询

  program, and to allow them the opportunity to assess their practices and make improvementsEqj兆毅咨询

  prior to inspection.Eqj兆毅咨询

  Suppliers are expected to ensure that all factories meet TJX’s social compliance standards.Eqj兆毅咨询

  Suppliers must agree to take necessary correction actions and promptly remediate any noncomplianceEqj兆毅咨询

  in order to remain business partners with TJX.Eqj兆毅咨询


  CSCC and Intertek are world leaders in social responsibility education, training, and compliance.Eqj兆毅咨询

  CSCC and Intertek have significantly contributed to establishing the industry benchmark forEqj兆毅咨询

  corporate social responsibility, having developed and implemented social compliance monitoringEqj兆毅咨询

  programs for major brands and retailers, and manufacturers.Eqj兆毅咨询

  CSCC and Intertek’s compliance professionals are knowledgeable in the business practices,Eqj兆毅咨询

  country specific legal requirements, and universal health and safety standards necessary toEqj兆毅咨询

  provide your firm with an independent, accurate third-party appraisal.Eqj兆毅咨询

  Confidential 5Eqj兆毅咨询


  TJX requires that all products offered for sale in our stores be produced in facilities that meetEqj兆毅咨询

  specific criteria, as set forth below:Eqj兆毅咨询

  Compliance With Applicable Laws and Regulations: Our vendors and the factories in whichEqj兆毅咨询

  the merchandise they sell us is manufactured (collectively, our “vendors”) must comply with allEqj兆毅咨询

  applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to all environmental laws andEqj兆毅咨询

  regulations, and all laws, regulations and internationally adopted restrictions concerning briberyEqj兆毅咨询

  and corruption.Eqj兆毅咨询


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