纠正措施/补救行动计划Is there a process to follow-up on each corrective action to ensureexecution and prevention of reoccurrence (closed loop)?
Review a sampling of individual corrective action records. Do the majority of them have notes ordocumentation showing someone has verified the corrective actions were actually implemented.
Review appropriate Quality records to verify issues are not recurring.
纠正措施/补救行动计划Does the factory management periodically review the correctiveaction (remedial action) system for effectiveness and adoption ofpreventative actions?
Interview factory managers and review meeting notes that support they periodically review thecorrective action system to verify it is working.
训练Does the factory identify the need for required training? 工厂是否清楚列明所有必要的员工培训计划?
Documentation must designate the required training per area and position. Training material mustcover all production phases or department functions, use of equipment, and quality systems andassociated defects based on the product category the factory produces.
训练Is there tailored training for QC, Production, Lab, and EquipmentMaintenance?
Through review of training documentation and records verify maintenance, QC, Lab, andProduction departments receive training specific to area they work in.
验证质检人员、生产部门、实验室和设备维修人员接受了相关的培训 Training Has the necessary training been provided? 工厂是否对相关工作人员进行了必要的培训?
While out on the shop floor select and identify some employees working in different work areas ordepartments. Ask factory management to pull the training records for employees identified.
Review these training records for the required training. Training records are to indicate theemployees had received the training.
训练Are QC employees trained on how to identify defects?
Verify the training curriculum includes actual defect samples/photos to instruct on what to look for.
训练Are training requirements AND records maintained? 工厂是否保存相关的培训计划和记录?
Verify HR keeps records of training of ALL factory workers in their personnel files. Sample filesand review training records. Training records provide date of training, contents of training, trainingduration and assessment result. The training records need to be current, complete and accurate.
设备与设备维护Has all measurement and test equipment used to make accept/rejectdecisions been identified and calibrated?
Verify there a master list that identifies all equipment that needs to be calibrated and the calibrationfrequency. Equipment must to be marked to show the calibration status and period of validity.
设备与设备维护Are procedures in place for actions to be taken if equipment is foundnot to be operating within specified tolerances and/or limits?
Review the written procedures on measurement equipment calibration. The procedure is to containa description of the actions the factory will take in the event a piece of measurement equipment isfound to be out of tolerance when being calibrated. The action taken may include investigating theimpact on product accepted by this piece of equipment including determination if product has to bereworked, recalled and if customer notification is needed, etc.
设备与设备维护Are documentation and records maintained for main facilityequipment (i.e. boilers, Back up power supply , Centralized heating,工厂主要生产设施(如锅炉,后备电源,集中供热等)是否有维修保养记录?
Verify equipment and maintenance documentation is maintained and current. (This could be on fileor on the equipment).
核对工厂的生产设施清单和相关维修保养记录。 (记录可以存放在特定的文件档案中或者标示在设备上)。
设备与设备维护Is there a documented system for planned maintenance covering allequipment which are critical to product safety, legality, quality andbusiness continuity?
A documented system of planned maintenance shall be in place, covering all items of equipmentsand plant which are critical to product safety, legality, quality and business continuity. This shallinclude, but not be limited to, records of: periodic maintenance schedules and completion;preventative maintenance; required safety checks; spare-part listings and replacements; contingencyplans for failure of essential equipment.
设备与设备维护Are preventative maintenance schedules or cycles documented andon schedule?
Request and review preventative maintenance program documentation. This documentation mustvalidate that equipment is evaluated at predetermined intervals with records of inspection results.
This must include all machinery, maintenance plans, and schedule timing.
设备与设备维护Are machines, equipment, fixtures and tools suitable to produceclients product?
Look at the product that led to the request for the FE and determine if the factory has all of thenecessary equipment, etc. to produce the product.
设备与设备维护Do machines, equipment, fixtures and tools appear to be clean and ingood condition?
Verify machines, equipment, fixtures, and tools are not dirty, rusty, leaking oil/fluids and are wellmaintained.
设备与设备维护Is an organized spare parts inventory kept on hand at the factory?
Look for a room or area separate from production that contains spare parts for the productionequipment. Does not need to be all spare parts, but at a minimum must be critical parts needed tokeep the equipment running. Factory must have inventory list.
设备与设备维护Are tools, spare parts, fixtures, jigs, molds, etc appropriately storedto avoid rust, damage, and ensure ease of locating?
Look for tools, spare parts, etc. to be stored on shelves, cabinets, pallets, etc. in enclosed area with aroof. They must not be stored outside, piled up, or mixed together.