Does the factory have a designated area available for customerconducted inspections?
The factory must have either an enclosed room or a designated area that is used only for inspections.
There must be sufficient lighting and room to stage goods and conduct both workmanship andmeasurement evaluations. Clearing off a production table is NOT acceptable.
Not applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product.
Is there enough space in the facility? 工厂的生产车间是否有足够的空间?
All areas (production and support areas) must have enough room for the workers to perform theirjobs without interference and in safe conditions. There must be enough room for proper execution ofmanufacturing processes and the equipment to function as intended. Blocked or congested areas arenot acceptable.
Is the facility clean and organized? 工厂的厂房是否干净整齐?
All production and support areas must exhibit proper housekeeping free of contaminants that cancontribute to off-standard or defective product. All areas must have clean work surfaces withoutunnecessary clutter. Storage must be in designated areas only.
Does the facility have sufficient lighting? 工厂的厂房内部是否有足够的光线?
The lighting must be enough to be able to perform whatever functions are intended without havingto strain eyesight.
Is the facility well ventilated? 工厂的生产车间是否通风良好?
The area must have constant air movement: Ceiling fans, wall fans, roof vents, etc. The area must becomfortable for workers as country conditions permit and appropriate for product being made.
Does the plant have a "back up" power supply available that willallow production to continue in case of power failure?
Verify the factory has a gasoline, or diesel fueled generator that will provide power to productionequipment if there is a power failure. If factory produces all of their electricity, answer YES to thisquestion.