
  CTPATAre containers/trailers stored in a secure area to prevent unauthorizedaccess?kO1兆毅咨询

  We define checking the physical integrity of the container as, but not limited to checking the frontwall, left side, right side, floor, ceiling/roof, inside/outside doors, and outside/undercarriage of thecontainer.kO1兆毅咨询

  Physically check to see if a fence surrounds the facility. The height of the fence must be around 7 to8 feet high (2.13 to 2.43 meters).kO1兆毅咨询

  If there is no fence, look to see if a physical barrier surrounds the facility. Physical barriers caninclude brick/cement walls or a solid barrier.kO1兆毅咨询

  When you arrive at the facility, physically check to see if you need to pass through a gate to get intothe premise. The gate must be monitored by a person and/or a camera during business hours.kO1兆毅咨询

  Physically check to see if employee/visitor parking areas are segregated from all cargo handling andstorage areas. We define parking being segregated by means of not being able to park in the samearea as the cargo handling and storage areas. If cargo handling and storage areas are segregated by afence/physical barrier, it is classified as segregated from all other areas.kO1兆毅咨询

  Physically check to see if each of the following has a locking device on them; windows, gates, andfences. You do not have to verify all windows, gates, and fences for having a locking device. Verifyat least one of them.kO1兆毅咨询

  Locking devices may be unlocked during business hours, but they must have a locking device inplace.kO1兆毅咨询

  Verify that all employees have a work badge, a work uniform, or a name tag stating employee'sname on it.kO1兆毅咨询

  When you arrive at the facility, note whether or not you are asked to present identification to begranted access and logged as a visitor.kO1兆毅咨询

  Proper photo identification is a government or work issued license/badge. An example would be adriver’s license, passport or work badge.kO1兆毅咨询

  A temporary identification is a badge stating 'visitor' on it, a sticker with 'visitor' written on it, or adevice that can be attached to a person identifying them as a visitor.kO1兆毅咨询

  Note whether or not you are escorted when touring the facility.kO1兆毅咨询

  CTPATDoes the factory have procedures in place to remove identification,facility and system access for terminated employees?kO1兆毅咨询

  Ask a manager/supervisor if there is a procedure to remove identification, facility and system accessfor terminated employees.kO1兆毅咨询

  A procedure for removing identification, facility and system access for terminated employees mustinclude, but not limited to, date/time of removal, terminated employees name, a record of theidentification system device being returned, and the employee name and identification thatcompleted the termination.kO1兆毅咨询

  Verify that drivers provide identification upon arrival at the facility. Acceptable photo identificationis a government or work issued license/badge such as a driver’s license, passport or work badge.kO1兆毅咨询

  Verify the truck/container check in/check out log or the shipping/receiving log exists.kO1兆毅咨询


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