如何申请 “Climate Pledge Friendly”气候友好承诺


Climate Pledge 是亚马逊 与Global Optimism 于2019年联合创立的组织,号召企业加入在2040年前达到企业运营零碳排放,目前除了亚马逊外,还有微软、联合利华、优步等200多公司签署。2020年,亚马逊获得了原KeyArena的冠名权,改名为Climate Pledge Arena/气候宣言竞技场xXI兆毅咨询

Climate Pledge Friendly(气候友好承诺)计划大概是2020年初的,亚马逊和政府机构、非营利组织以及第三方独立实验室合作,对符合某项或多项环保认证的商品打上Climate Pledge Friendly 的环保识别标志。这样,我们消费者可以在其网站购物时,识别并购买对环境可持续发展更有利的商品xXI兆毅咨询

目前共有32项环保认证,包括有机产品、公平贸易认证、节能认证、原料健康无毒、使用再生材料制作产品、减少碳排放的认证等。我们购物时,可以搜索Climate Pledge Friendly的产品,也可以看到产品符合的具体认证标识,其中Compact by Design认证是亚马逊自己推出的,以识别产品包装设计方面具有可持续性的商品。对包装体积、重量等都有要求,可以减少运输过程中产生的碳排放。xXI兆毅咨询




1. 申请亚马逊的紧凑包装设计 Compact by DesignxXI兆毅咨询


Category Name "Unit" unit of measure Threshold Value
AC Filters count 7.441235476
Air Purifier Filters count 18.3223109
Allergy Relief count 0.000029266
Animal Fur Cleaner andxXI兆毅咨询
fl oz 0.15409171
Animal Nutrition Supplement count 0.0006327547
Animal Nutrition Supplement fl oz 0.2255132097
Animal Nutrition Supplement ounce 0.2050567824
Animal Vitamin Supplement count 0.0015586418
Antacids count 0.000133898
Astringent Powders ounce 0.205795918
Baby Cereal ounce 0.502928983
Baby Wipes count 0.016200947
Baking Chocolate ounce 0.167257812
Baking Cups count 0.000854144
Baking Mix ounce 0.215466118
Bandages count 0.001535113
Bathing Sponge count 0.288484422
Bathwater additive ounce 0.132870083
Beverage Insulator count 0.3867641897
Body Scrub fl_oz 0.126299996
Breakfast Cereal ounce 0.364682835
Bookmark count 0.0016908584
Bronzer and Blush Powder ounce 3.133473908
Calcium Supplement count 0.000362695
Cell Phone Cables count 0.294286968
Cellphone Data Cables count 0.145560723
Chewing Gum count 0.001063476
Children's Vitamins count 0.000318177
Chocolate Candy ounce 0.178622424
Cold and Flu Remedies count 0.000328231
Collagen supplement ounce 0.425343795
Computer Lightning Cables count 0.352973112
Computer USB Cables count 0.589240465
Condiments fl_oz 0.1759288038
Condiments ounce 0.1749003580
Conditioner fl_oz 0.17129922
Conditioner Bars ounce 1.71438596
Conditioning Shampoo Bars oz 4.673587214
Conditioning Shampoos fl_oz 0.167178615
Contact Lens Cleaner fl oz 0.3080416496
Cosmetic Powder ounce 1.154225183
Cosmetic Sponge count 0.0109542077
Cough Drops count 0.001397466
Cough Syrup fl_oz 0.198584487
Crackers ounce 0.60009587
Culinary Salt ounce 0.13080171890
Dehydrated Pet Food ounce 1.674722964
Dishwasher Detergent Pods andxXI兆毅咨询
count 0.070117164
Dry Pet Food pound 58.27831539
Eczema Relief oz 0.215276367
Essential Oils fl_oz 0.91774359
Eyebrow Color ounce 0.12061185863
Eyelid Color ounce 0.349817925
Eyelid Color fl_oz 1.04842805
Fabric Softener fl_oz 0.227143942
Fabric Softener ounce 0.235872726
Fabric Softener count 0.003132078
Facial Astringents fl_oz 0.169761131
Facial Cleansing Pads count 0.000527312
Facial Cleansing Wipes count 0.003895535
Facial Mask Powder ounce 0.201881414
Facial Tissue count 0.000596738
Flavored Drink Concentrate fl_oz 0.002465635
Floor Cleaners fl_oz 0.182126543
Food Coloring fl oz 0.094243187
Food Coloring ounce 0.100864939
Foot Mask count 0.610080294
Glass Cleaners fl_oz 0.199083576
Hair Coloring Agent fl_oz 0.153006451
Hair Coloring Agent ounce 0.246905012
Hair Gels and Creams ounce 0.200122346
Hair Removal Wax ounce 0.156252909
Hair Styling Agent fl_oz 0.208193423
Hand Sanitizer fl oz 0.145037043
HDMI Cables count 2.038132196
HEPA Air Filters count 18.3223109
Honey ounce 0.112367644
Household Cleaning Wipes count 0.024265392
Iron Supplement count 0.000102673
Jerky ounce 0.32656617
Kitchen Trash Bags count 0.05664354
Laundry Detergent loads 0.095495635
Leavening Agent ounce 0.14414127860
Lip Balm count 0.02837219
Lip Balm ounce 0.353026223
Lip Color fl_oz 0.303220244
Lip Color ounce 0.216741469
Liquid Bathroom Cleaners fl_oz 0.197507565
Liquid Bronzer and Blush fl_oz 0.311364368
Liquid Deodorant fl_oz 0.203057476
Liquid Dishwasher Detergent fl_oz 0.170107593
Liquid Ink fl oz 0.0284407568
Liquid Ink ounce 0.3238413750
Liquid Multipurpose Cleaners fl_oz 0.003185087
Liquid Soap fl_oz 0.207686259
Liquid Stitches and Bandages fl_oz 0.419249847
Liquid Sunscreen fl_oz 0.230160209
Loose Leaf Tea ounce 0.278788756
Magnesium Supplement count 0.000339248
Makeup Primer fl oz 0.293448495
Makeup Primer ounce 0.254374301
Mascara fl_oz 0.850219466
Medication ounce 0.148893703
Medication fl_oz 0.265931749
Medication count 0.000109849
Moisturizing Lotion fl_oz 0.179692419
Moisturizing LotionxXI兆毅咨询
Bars/Moisturizing Creams
ounce 0.201275982
Mouthwash fl_oz 0.177328247
Multivitamins count 0.000512606
Multivitamins count 0.000180652
Nail Clipper count 0.083996538
Nutritional Supplement count 0.000285452
Nutritional Supplement ounce 0.316973612
Nuts and Seeds ounce 0.250317043
Pain Medication count 0.000059613
Panty Liners count 0.003081933
Paper Towels count 0.008590416
Pasta and Noodles ounce 0.214586389
Pen or Marker Ink Cartridge Refill count 0.0025443939
Personal Cleaning Wipes count 0.002089005
Pet Food ounce 0.246206009
Pet odor and stain remover fl_oz 0.189201619
Pet Shampoo fl_oz 0.158838889
Pet Treats ounce 0.345855902
Pet Waste Bags count 0.000424351
Pitcher Water Filters count 14.43952315
Popcorn ounce 0.214391661
Powdered Dishwasher Detergent ounce 0.117094237
Probiotic Supplement count 0.000402861
Protein Powder ounce 0.4355191286
Puffed Snacks ounce 1.140338069
Rice Mix ounce 0.21594100480
Room deodorizer fl_oz 0.275612297
Sanitary Napkins count 0.01389496
Sauce fl_oz 0.2334776849
Sauce ounce 0.1780031711
Snack Chips and Crisps ounce 1.017695773
Seasoning ounce 0.163617052
Shampoo fl_oz 0.184505427
Shampoo Bars ounce 0.363322636
Shaving cream fl_oz 0.200496752
Shaving cream ounce 0.171622208
Skin foundation and concealer fl_oz 0.357825981
Skin foundation and concealer ounce 0.52937477
Skin Serum fl oz 0.53727629
Small Trash Bags count 0.002290142
Snack Food Bars count 0.762063521
Snack Food Bars ounce 0.205716586
Soap Bars and Powders ounce 0.127204379
Soap Dish count 0.6268514051
Solid Deodorant ounce 0.281085276
Sugar Candy ounce 0.195405322
Sugar Substitute ounce 0.1964618086
Sunscreen Bars ounce 0.260603429
Surface cleaning wipes count 0.014615962
Surface Protection Wax fl oz 0.1749252795
Syrup ounce 0.24394027
Tampons count 0.004308811
Tea Bags count 0.009888123
Toilet Paper sheets 0.000183663
Tooth Whiteners count 0.010619093
Tooth Whiteners ounce 0.138420379
Toothpaste ounce 0.235559095
Toothpaste Capsules count 0.004530731
Tweezer count 0.0318563518
Vegetable Oil fl_oz 0.178067915
Vinegar fl_oz 0.225719904
Vitamin B count 0.00009711
Vitamin C count 0.000315693
Vitamin D count 0.000050488
Vitamin E count 0.000051524
Wax Strips count 0.00109653
Wet Pet Food ounce 0.194355963
Whole Bean, Ground, and InstantxXI兆毅咨询
ounce 0.303711531
Zinc Supplement count 0.000106899


  1. 首先判断自己的产品是否在上面的品类列表里,直接用产品关键词搜索即可
  2. 如果产品符合,那就计算它的unit efficiency阈值

首先,在Compact by Design表格里能够获取3个信息xXI兆毅咨询

1. 它符合产品标准xXI兆毅咨询

2. 测量单位是sheetsxXI兆毅咨询

3. unit efficiency阈值是0.000183663xXI兆毅咨询

Dimensions: 17.5 x 13.3 x 4.6 inchesxXI兆毅咨询

Weight: 4.94 PoundsxXI兆毅咨询

Unit: 12 countxXI兆毅咨询

unit efficiency计算公式:xXI兆毅咨询


0.000183663 = unit efficiencyxXI兆毅咨询

Toilet Paper (sheet) = 0.000183663xXI兆毅咨询

36.72> 0.000183663, 所以这个厕纸不符合 Compact by Design的标准,但是它做了符合碳中和认证的认证,所以也有这个标记,如下图xXI兆毅咨询

2. 找检测机构,出碳中和认证报告xXI兆毅咨询




认证机构 认证内容 申请时间及报价 网址
Bluesign 纺织品   https://www.bluesign.com/en
Carbonfree Certified 无碳产品认证计划 3-6个月 https://carbonfund.org/
CarbonNeutral product 碳中和   https://www.carbonneutral.com/
Carbon Neutral by Carbon Trust 碳信托 碳中和 PPT+申请表 https://www.carbontrust.com/
Carbon Neutral Certified by SCS Global Services 碳中和 SCS 4-6个月xXI兆毅咨询
Certified Animal Welfare Approved 动物福利由AGW认证   https://agreenerworld.org/certifications/animal-welfare-approved/
Climate neutral by ClimatePartner 计算减少碳排放   https://www.climatepartner.com/en
Compact by Design 压缩包装设计   https://www.amazon.com/b?node=21221609011
Cradle to Cradle Certified 评估五项可持续发展绩效   https://www.c2ccertified.org/
ECOLOGO/UL 评估多种品类   https://www.ul.com/resources/ecologo-certification-program
ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 电器节能   https://www.energystar.gov/products/most_efficient
EPEAT 生态标签 电器   https://globalelectronicscouncil.org/zh/ecolabels/
EWG Verified 个护清洁 婴儿用品   https://www.ewg.org/ewgverified/baby-care.php
Fair Trade Certified 农场、渔业、工厂   https://www.fairtradecertified.org/
Fairtrade International 农业   https://www.fairtradeamerica.org/why-fairtrade/
Fair for Life 农业、制造业和贸易公平认证   https://www.fairforlife.org/pmws/indexDOM.php?client_id=fairforlife&page_id=home
The Forest Stewardship Council 森林保护与管理 (纸、湿巾)   https://fsc.org/en/about-us
Global Organic Textile Standard 有机纺织品认证 (棉花)   https://global-standard.org/
Global Recycled Standard(GRS) 纺织品认证   https://textileexchange.org/standards/recycled-claim-standard-global-recycled-standard/
Green Seal 生态标签   https://greenseal.org/splash/
Higg Index Materials 提供产品数据(纺织)   https://profiles.higg.com/
Made in Green by Oeko-Tex 纺织、皮革业   https://www.oeko-tex.com/en/
MADE SAFE 婴儿个护、家居用品   https://www.madesafe.org/
Nontoxic Certified 成分无毒认证   https://www.nontoxiccertified.org/
Natrue 化妆品成分认证(天然有机)   https://www.natrue.org/
Organic Content Standard 100(OCS) 有机成分认证(棉花 纺织)   https://textileexchange.org/standards/organic-content-standard/
Rainforest Alliance 农业、林业可持续   https://www.rainforest-alliance.org/insights/what-does-rainforest-alliance-certified-mean/
Organic Content Standard Blended 有机成分认证(棉花 纺织)   https://textileexchange.org/standards/organic-content-standard/
Recycled Claim Standard 100(RCS) 可循环材料 纺织品认证 同GRS   https://textileexchange.org/standards/recycled-claim-standard-global-recycled-standard/
Reducing CO2 碳信托 碳零排放   https://www.carbontrust.com/zh
Recycled Claim Standard Blended(RCS) 可循环材料 纺织品认证 同GRS   https://textileexchange.org/standards/recycled-claim-standard-global-recycled-standard/
Regenerative Organic Certified(ROC) 再生有机认证(食品、纺织品、个护)   https://regenorganic.org/
Responsible Wool Standard(RWS) 动物农场   https://textileexchange.org/standards/responsible-wool/
U.S. EPA Safer Choice 美国环保署 主做化学产品认证,不与制造商合作 https://www.epa.gov/saferchoice
USDA Organic 美国农业部有机认证 作物、牲畜、加工产品 https://www.usda.gov/topics/organic


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