
  Special protection for young workers年轻工人特别保护vXD兆毅咨询

  9.1 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee ensures that young persons do not work at night and are protected against conditions of work which are prejudicial to their health, safety, morals and development?vXD兆毅咨询


  9.2 Is there satisfactory evidence that young workers’ working hours do not prejudice their attendance at school, their participation in vocational orientation approved by the competent authority or their capacity to benefit from training or instruction programmes? YESvXD兆毅咨询


  9.3 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has established the necessary mechanisms to prevent, identify and mitigate harm to young workers? YESvXD兆毅咨询


  9.4 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee seeks to ensure young workers access to effective grievance mechanisms?vXD兆毅咨询


  9.5 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee seeks to ensure that young workers are properly trained on Occupational Health and Safety and have access to related training programmes?vXD兆毅咨询


  9.6 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has a good overview of all young workers engaged in its production site?vXD兆毅咨询



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