J.Crew 验厂其他标准

  J.Crew 验厂其他标准有:法律和法规、环境标准、海关和安全等。下面就具体说说它们有什么要求。Yjv兆毅咨询

  1.Laws and Regulations   法律和法规。Yjv兆毅咨询

  J.Crew Suppliers must operate in full compliance with all applicable local, national and international laws, standards and regulations relevant to the conduct of their business.Yjv兆毅咨询

  2.Environmental Standards 环境标准。Yjv兆毅咨询

  J.Crew Suppliers must adhere to applicable local, national and international laws and regulations regarding theprotection and preservation of the environment.Yjv兆毅咨询

  3.Customs and Security海关和安全。Yjv兆毅咨询

  J.Crew Suppliers must comply with all applicable local, national and international customs laws including thoseprohibiting transshipment. Suppliers shall implement security measures consistent with the recommendationsset forth by the Customs -Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT).Yjv兆毅咨询

  4.Monitoring and Compliance  J.Crew验厂监控及合规要求。Yjv兆毅咨询

  J.Crew reserves the right to conduct announced and unannounced inspections of all manufacturing facilities.Suppliers must maintain all documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with the J.Crew Code ofVendor Conduct. Suppliers must allow representatives of J.Crew full access to facilities, documents and workers.Suppliers shall promptly correct any issues of noncompliance that may be found during the course ofcompliance inspections.Yjv兆毅咨询

  5.Subcontracting 分包。Yjv兆毅咨询

  J.Crew Suppliers must not subcontract any portion of the manufacturing process without prior written approvalfrom J.Crew. As a condition of approval, subcontractors shall agree to comply with the J.Crew Code of VendorConduct.Yjv兆毅咨询


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