
Fire Prevention and Fire Safety Requirements ChecklistHkQ兆毅咨询
Here a checklist that shows common client requirements for Fire Safety. This list is aligned with Walmart’s Fire Safety Requirements issued in 2013. However please note that this is only for training purposes and is not legal advice.HkQ兆毅咨询
A) To reduce the risk of electrical fires:减少发生火灾的危险      HkQ兆毅咨询
o Keep electrical equipment, machinery, and work areas clean: oil, dust, waste, and water can be fire hazards around electricityHkQ兆毅咨询
o Keep access to panels and junction boxes clearHkQ兆毅咨询
o Move flammable materials away from electrical apparatus, heat sources and lights 将易燃材料从电器、热源和灯中移开。HkQ兆毅咨询
o Make sure all electrical equipment is properly grounded确保所有的电气设备都是接地的HkQ兆毅咨询
o Plug power tools into grounded outlets installed with Grounded Fault Circuit Interrupters将电源工具插入接地的电源插座,并安装接地故障电路断续器。HkQ兆毅咨询
o Check electrical cords to make sure they are not running across doorways or under carpets 检查电线以确保它们不会在门或地毯下运行HkQ兆毅咨询
o Use light bulbs that match the recommended wattage of the lamp or fixture使用与灯具或灯具的推荐功率相匹配的灯泡HkQ兆毅咨询
B) To reduce the risk of fires from hot work:  减少因热工作引起火灾 的风险          

     Follow the 10 Meter Rule   遵循10米规则HkQ兆毅咨询

     Have fire detection and suppression equipment on hand有火灾探测和灭火设备HkQ兆毅咨询

o Assign a fire watch to observe and ensure there is no dangerHkQ兆毅咨询
C)To reduce the risk of chemical fires, store chemicals in this manner:  HkQ兆毅咨询
o Explosion-proof cabinets to store chemicals on site在现场储存化学品的防爆柜HkQ兆毅咨询
o Good ventilation to prevent buildup of flammable vapors良好通风以防止可燃气体积聚HkQ兆毅咨询
o Secondary storage containers in case of leaks在泄漏的情况下,二级储存容器HkQ兆毅咨询
o Clearly labeled, lidded containers明显标记有盖子的容器HkQ兆毅咨询
o Electrostatic prevention to prevent static shocks from igniting vaporsHkQ兆毅咨询


For chemical fire safety hazardous or flammable chemicals must be kept away from ignition sources对于化学防火安全,危险或易燃化学品必须远离点火源。


o  For any construction you need to have valid construction approval for fire safety对于任何建筑,你都需要对消防安全有有效的建筑批准HkQ兆毅咨询
E) Fire safety equipment and escape routes.消防安全设备和逃生路线。HkQ兆毅咨询
1. Fire detection, alarms and sprinklers:火灾探测、警报和洒水装置HkQ兆毅咨询
o Audible, visible and operable smoke alarms placed appropriately throughout the building with at least the minimum number required by law按照法律规定安装可听到的、可视的、可操作的烟雾警报器,至少是法律规定的最低数量。HkQ兆毅咨询
o Audible and operable fire alarms that can be heard in all parts of the building, that operate as one system amongst all floors and are as of the building所安装的火灾警报器必须串联起来HkQ兆毅咨询
o Adequate water supply for sprinkler and fire hydrant systemsHkQ兆毅咨询
2. Evacuation routes:疏散路线:HkQ兆毅咨询
o No locked doors. Doors should have push bar operation for easy exit in case of emergency在紧急情况下,逃生门应该有推杆操作以便逃生,不能上锁。HkQ兆毅咨询
o Barred windows must have an internal mechanism for emergency release or removal to allow for worker escape and must remain unlockedHkQ兆毅咨询
o All floors and buildings, including dormitories, must have a secondary exit, and preferably an external fire escape routeHkQ兆毅咨询
o Fire escape routes must lead to safe assembly points without any obstructions消防通道必须通向安全的集合点,没有任何障碍。HkQ兆毅咨询
o Assembly points must be designated and marked as such and must be kept clear at all times集合点必须被指定并标记,并且必须在任何时候都保持清晰可见。HkQ兆毅咨询
o Marked and lighted exit routes for all floors and are as of the building, including stairwells所有楼层包括楼梯间都必须有明确的逃生路线和带电的安全出口标识牌。

o Emergency lights should be fire grade ‘industrial emergency lights’ for use in smoke and fire environments紧急照明应是用于烟雾和火灾环境的工业应急灯,。
o Proper access for fire department vehicles and other fire‐fighting equipment in the factory premises在工厂内的正常使用消防部门车辆和其他消防设备HkQ兆毅咨询

F)Fire training and drills.     消防培训和演习            

1. Fire safety training:消防安全培训:
o Fire safety training conducted for all workers every 6 months
o New hires receive fire safety training as part of on-boarding process
o Trained firefighters for each floor of the facility每一层楼有训练有素的消防员
o Valid fire license where required by law法律规定的有效消防许可证
2. Fire drills:消防演习:
o Joint fire drills are conducted every 3 months for all floors of the building
o Drills are overseen by an external party, such as the fire authority, for timely and effective worker evacuation演习由一个外部团体监督,如消防部门,以便及时有效地疏散人员。
o Documentation of these drills are retained by the facility for review during any visit to the facility保留这些演习的记录,以供审查。

C) Fire safety in childcare facilities.   儿童保育设施的消防安全                          

o Childcare facilities are on the ground floor of the building, preferably located in a separate non-industrial facility


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