



Minimum wage and overtime violations4rN兆毅咨询

Unintentional wage computation mistakes4rN兆毅咨询

No wage violations4rN兆毅咨询

Excessive or illegal deductions4rN兆毅咨询

Hiring deposits (where not regulated). Charge/deposit for tools, PPE, uniform etc.4rN兆毅咨询

All equipment provided free of charge4rN兆毅咨询

Mandated benefits not provided i.e. social security, maternity leave, annual leave, etc.4rN兆毅咨询


All benefits provided4rN兆毅咨询

Non-payment of wages over one month4rN兆毅咨询

Late payment of wages4rN兆毅咨询

Wages paid on time4rN兆毅咨询

Missing payroll records4rN兆毅咨询

Legally required pay slips not issued4rN兆毅咨询


Manipulated payroll records4rN兆毅咨询

Unintentional time calculation mistakes4rN兆毅咨询

Accurate time records4rN兆毅咨询

Missing employees on payroll4rN兆毅咨询

Conflicting employee testimony4rN兆毅咨询


Lack of 7th day of rest on a regular basis4rN兆毅咨询

Occasional lack of 7th day rest 1-2 time / month4rN兆毅咨询

7th day of rest guaranteed4rN兆毅咨询

Excessive hours - regular or overtime4rN兆毅咨询

Average work hours will exceed allowable under waiver before waiver expiration4rN兆毅咨询

Regular and overtime hours within legal limits4rN兆毅咨询

Legal work hours restrictions (children, women) exceeded4rN兆毅咨询

Insufficient break time provided4rN兆毅咨询


Off-clock work4rN兆毅咨询

Unintentional missed punches4rN兆毅咨询

All hours in compliance with local law4rN兆毅咨询

Fraudulent time records4rN兆毅咨询

Altered time records4rN兆毅咨询


Missing time records4rN兆毅咨询

Inaccurate time records4rN兆毅咨询


None or Missing employee age documents4rN兆毅咨询


Age documentation maintained for all ees4rN兆毅咨询

Insufficient docs for apprentice programs4rN兆毅咨询



Child labor not abiding by country or client age restrictions4rN兆毅咨询

Children present but not working; historic child labor4rN兆毅咨询

No child labor4rN兆毅咨询

Non-compliance with youth regulations (work hours, tasks)4rN兆毅咨询



Falsified employee identification4rN兆毅咨询



Restricted liberties on the work floor4rN兆毅咨询

Restricted liberties in the dormitory (Curfew)4rN兆毅咨询


Original documents retained by facility without employee permission4rN兆毅咨询

Employer retention of docs w/employee permission but ees can’t access docs4rN兆毅咨询

Employees control their own documents or ee representative has access to docs w/o management intervention.4rN兆毅咨询

Confirmed mandatory overtime4rN兆毅咨询

Reported mandatory overtime4rN兆毅咨询


Physical or verbal abuse4rN兆毅咨询


No physical or verbal abuse4rN兆毅咨询

Confirmed wage Discrimination4rN兆毅咨询

Reported discrimination, not confirmed.4rN兆毅咨询


Unlawful/excessive disciplinary deductions4rN兆毅咨询


No monetary disciplinary deductions4rN兆毅咨询

Denied/Restricted freedom of association4rN兆毅咨询

Worker organizations discouraged or not recognized4rN兆毅咨询

Freedom of association allowed4rN兆毅咨询


Pregnancy testing4rN兆毅咨询

No pregnancy testing4rN兆毅咨询

Security checks involving removal of clothing4rN兆毅咨询

 Frisking by opposite sex4rN兆毅咨询

Same sex frisking4rN兆毅咨询

Home workers w/no records, no monitoring4rN兆毅咨询

Home workers w/records and monitoring visits4rN兆毅咨询

Home worker network fully documented, all records maintained, with monitoring and training program in place.  All wages, benefits provided.4rN兆毅咨询

Intentional nondisclosure of sub contractors4rN兆毅咨询

Disclosure of unapproved subcontractors producing goods for the client4rN兆毅咨询

No subcontractors or home workers used4rN兆毅咨询

Missing legally required labor contracts4rN兆毅咨询

Failure to meet terms of labor contract4rN兆毅咨询

Complies with all local labor law regulations4rN兆毅咨询

Misclassification of employees, resulting in lack of overtime or other benefits4rN兆毅咨询

Breech of probation period limits or terms4rN兆毅咨询


Any part of the inspection denied or refused4rN兆毅咨询



Missing legally required licenses or shipping visas, quota or environmental permits4rN兆毅咨询

Legally required postings not posted4rN兆毅咨询


Incorrect country of origin paperwork/labels4rN兆毅咨询







No health and safety training.  No training records maintained.  Insufficient safety training.4rN兆毅咨询

Employees and supervisors trained in first aid, evacuation drills and use of fire equipment.4rN兆毅咨询


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