The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) Medium Audit General Guidelines are for the purpose of defining general rules as they apply to the C-TPAT Medium Audit form.  These guidelines are an overview of the considerations to be taken with the questions.   This standard should be used in conjunction with the C-TPAT Medium Audit Form.DSI兆毅咨询
The C-TPAT Medium Audits are completed as part of the Factory Evaluation process. The C-TPAT Medium Audit should be completed by the same person completing the Factory Evaluation. DSI兆毅咨询
The information you provide when completing a C-TPAT Medium Audit is important and is used in many ways:DSI兆毅咨询
Allows International Supply Chain Security to identify security concerns and work with the vendor to correct themDSI兆毅咨询
Assists International Supply Chain Security in basic prioritization of C-TPAT security auditsDSI兆毅咨询
Provides information on factories where C-TPAT audits have not been conductedDSI兆毅咨询
Provides documentation for media, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s), and shareholders that TSS/AMC has looked at security concerns in a particular factory DSI兆毅咨询
For Target orders, the medium audit is also used to verify information provided to International Supply Chain Security at the time of C-TPAT registrationDSI兆毅咨询
Frequency requirements of conducting a C-TPAT Medium Audit are as follows:DSI兆毅咨询
Complete one C-TPAT Medium Audit for each Factory Evaluation per factory.DSI兆毅咨询
Medium Audits should be completed for both TSS/AMC and non-TSS/AMC factories/ordersDSI兆毅咨询
Please obtain the C-TPAT Medium Audit questionnaire and best method from email or EOL (Experts Online).  The C-TPAT Medium Audit questions will be on a separate, temporary Excel form until FAS-T rolls out to the field.  All required fields will need to be completed in full to obtain a ‘completed’ status. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk ( * ) preceding the question on this Standard. Failure to complete a required field will result with an ‘incomplete’ status.  The completed audit forms should be sent via email to
.  Please also retain a copy of the completed questionnaire in the local TSS/AMC office. DSI兆毅咨询
 *Date of VisitDSI兆毅咨询
Complete this field using the date of your visit to the factory.  Use the format MM/DD/YY.  (example: 05/12/04 represents May 12th, 2004)DSI兆毅咨询
Date Form is Received by ISCSDSI兆毅咨询
The International Supply Chain Security (ISCS) Team in Minneapolis will fill in this field. NO ACTION REQUIRED BY THE FIELDDSI兆毅咨询
*Field Assessment Factory IDDSI兆毅咨询
Complete this field with the factory F#, if known. (example: F00001234). DSI兆毅咨询
The factory ID number is found in BPM (Business Partner Management)DSI兆毅咨询
If you do not know the factory ID, please leave this field blank. DSI兆毅咨询
*Inspector Name/Title:DSI兆毅咨询
Complete this field with the evaluator’s name and title. DSI兆毅咨询
 *Inspector Office/Country:DSI兆毅咨询
Complete this field with the evaluator’s office city and country location.DSI兆毅咨询
*Reason for Visit:DSI兆毅咨询
Please check the appropriate reason for your visit for the following options:DSI兆毅咨询
o  Factory EvaluationDSI兆毅咨询
o  Global Compliance AuditDSI兆毅咨询
o  OTHER (If this option is checked, write the reason for your visit in the space provided)DSI兆毅咨询
*Factory Name and Address:DSI兆毅咨询
Complete the Factory’s name and addressDSI兆毅咨询
*Contact Person:DSI兆毅咨询
Complete the name of an English speaking contact person.DSI兆毅咨询
*Place the name of the vendor(s) on these lines.DSI兆毅咨询
(You may ask factory management to assist you in answering the following questions)DSI兆毅咨询
1.  Is there a high security seal affixed to each container/trailer that meets ISO/PAS   (17712) standards?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check the seals that are used in sealing the containers or ask management what type of seal is used if no container seal is available.DSI兆毅咨询
High security seals include bar lock seals, bolt seals, and cable seals.DSI兆毅咨询
If a bar, bolt or cable seal is not used, answer NO to question one.DSI兆毅咨询
2.  Does the factory have procedures in place on how seals are controlled and affixed to containers/trailers?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if seals are kept in a locked and secured place prior to applying to a container and logged on the Container Load Plan (Container Load Plan may not be available in factory for initial Factory Evaluation or Compliance Audit) or another form of a container seal log. If no seals are available ask management where seals are kept.DSI兆毅咨询
Another form of a seal log should include, but not limited to: date/time container is sealed, seal number, container number, and employee identification and number that completed the container sealing process.DSI兆毅咨询
If containers are present and sealed, physically check if the container is sealed by viewing the seal and container locking mechanism for tampering. Verify the seal number against the documentation. Tug on the seal to make sure it is affixed to the container. Twist and turn the seal to make sure it does not unscrew.DSI兆毅咨询
If seals are not kept in a locked and secured place prior to applying to a container and not logged on the Container Load Plan or another form of container seal log, answer NO to question two.DSI兆毅咨询
Reference Container Load Plan on page 7.DSI兆毅咨询
3.  Is the container/trailer sealed at the factory immediately after loading?DSI兆毅咨询
Ask management or observe if containers are sealed immediately after loading.DSI兆毅咨询
If containers are not sealed immediately after loading, answer NO to question three.DSI兆毅咨询
4.  Does the factory have procedures in place for designated employees to distribute container/trailer seals?DSI兆毅咨询
We define employees to distribute container/trailer seals to include security personnel and/or a manager/supervisor.DSI兆毅咨询
Ask management or physically view procedures to know who distributes the seals, if a security personnel and/or manager/supervisor is not mentioned, answer NO to question four.DSI兆毅咨询
5.  Does the factory have a container/trailer seal log?DSI兆毅咨询
Ask a manager/supervisor to physically see the Container Load Plan or another form of a container seal log.DSI兆毅咨询
Another form of a seal log should include, but not limited to: date/time container is sealed, seal number, container number, and employee identification and number that completed the container sealing process.DSI兆毅咨询
If you are not presented one of the two container seal logs, answer NO to question five.DSI兆毅咨询
Reference Container Load Plan on page 7.DSI兆毅咨询
6.  Are containers/trailers stored in a secure area to prevent unauthorized access?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if containers/trailers (trucks for less than container load product) are stored or parked within the fence/physical barrier surrounding the facility, or door to door/end to end, or backed against a structure high enough to keep doors from opening to prevent tampering/pilferage. If containers/trailers/trucks are not present ask management how containers/trailers/trucks are stored or parked.DSI兆毅咨询
If no container/trailer is available please continue to ask management how containers/trailers are stored.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have one of these four methods for storing containers/trailers/trucks, answer NO to question six.DSI兆毅咨询
7.  Does the factory have procedures in place to verify physical integrity of the container/trailer by using the seven point inspection prior to loading?DSI兆毅咨询
Ask a manager/supervisor to physically see the seven point inspection check list for verifying the physical integrity of a container. If the factory does not have the seven point inspection check list, ask to see their documented procedure for verifying the physical integrity of the container.DSI兆毅咨询
We define checking the physical integrity of the container as, but not limited to checking the front wall, left side, right side, floor, ceiling/roof, inside/outside doors, and outside/undercarriage of the container.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have the seven point inspection check list or a procedure to verify the physical integrity of a container, answer NO to question seven.DSI兆毅咨询
Reference Seven Point Inspection Check List on pages 8-9.DSI兆毅咨询
8.  Does a security fence or physical barrier surround the facility?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if a fence surrounds the factory. The height of the fence should be around 7 to 8 feet high (2.13 to 2.43 meters). If the fence is lower answer “yes” and include the height information in the comment section.DSI兆毅咨询
If there is no fence, look to see if a physical barrier surrounds the factory. Physical barriers can include brick/cement walls or a solid barrier.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have one of these two security barriers surrounding the facility, answer NO to question eight.DSI兆毅咨询
9.  Are all gates through which vehicles and personnel enter/exit manned and/or monitored by security personnel?DSI兆毅咨询
When you arrive at the factory physically check to see if you need to pass through a gate to get into the premise. The gate needs to be monitored by a person or a camera.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have a person or camera to monitor the gate(s), answer NO to question nine.DSI兆毅咨询
10.   Does the factory have employee/visitor parking areas segregated from all cargo handling and storage areas?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if employee/visitor parking areas are segregated from all cargo handling and storage areas. We define parking being segregated by means of not being able to park in the same area as the cargo handling and storage areas. If cargo handling and storage areas are segregated by a barrier, it is classified as segregated from all other areas.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have employee/visitor parking segregated from cargo handling and storage areas, answer NO to question ten.DSI兆毅咨询
11.   Are buildings constructed of materials that resist unlawful entry?DSI兆毅咨询
We define building materials that resist unlawful entry to be steel, cement and bricks.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have one of the three materials listed, answer NO to question eleven.DSI兆毅咨询
12.   Does the factory have external and internal windows, gates, and fences secured with locking devices?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if each of the following has a locking device on them; windows, gates, and fences. You do not have to verify all windows, gates, and fences have a locking device. Verify that at least two of them do.DSI兆毅咨询
Locking devices may be unlocked during business hours, but they must have a locking device in place.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have one the above criteria, answer NO to question twelve.DSI兆毅咨询
13.  Does lighting illuminate the building entrances and exit areas?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if lights are present in the building entrances and exit areas.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have lighting the building entrances and exit areas, answer NO to question thirteen.DSI兆毅咨询
14.  Does lighting illuminate the cargo handling and storage areas?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if lights are present in the cargo handling and storage areas.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have lighting the cargo handling and storage areas, answer NO to question fourteen.DSI兆毅咨询
15.  Does outside lighting illuminate the fence line?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if lights are present on the fence line.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have lighting on the fence line, answer NO to question fifteen.DSI兆毅咨询
16.  Does lighting illuminate the parking area?DSI兆毅咨询
Physically check to see if lights are present in the parking area.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have lighting the parking area, answer NO to question sixteen.DSI兆毅咨询
17.    Does the factory have a system in place to identify employees?DSI兆毅咨询
Ask to see badges or ask a manager/supervisor if the factory is capable of identifying their employees. We define identifying employees as having a work badge, a work uniform, or a name tag stating employee on it.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have a system in place to identify employees, answer NO to question seventeen.

18.  Do visitors present photo identification for documentation purposes prior to entry?DSI兆毅咨询
We define photo identification as a government or work issued license/badge. An example would be a driver’s license, passport or work badge. DSI兆毅咨询
When you arrive at the factory, are you asked to present identification to be granted access?DSI兆毅咨询
If you are not asked for identification, answer NO to question eighteen.DSI兆毅咨询
19. Are all visitors escorted and visibly display temporary identification?DSI兆毅咨询
We define temporary identification as a badge stating visitor on it, a sticker with visitor written on it, or a device that can be attached to a person identifying them as a visitor.DSI兆毅咨询
When you tour the factory, are you escorted?DSI兆毅咨询
If you are not required to wear a visitor badge and you are not escorted, answer NO to question nineteen.DSI兆毅咨询
20. Is application information, such as employment history and references verified prior to employment?DSI兆毅咨询
Ask a manager/supervisor if it is legal to verify employment history and/or references prior to employment. If it is legal ask the manager/supervisor if employment history and/or references are verified prior to employment.DSI兆毅咨询
If it is legal and if employment history and/or references are not verified prior to employment, answer NO to question twenty.DSI兆毅咨询
21. Does the factory have procedures in place to remove identification, facility and system access for terminated employees?DSI兆毅咨询
Ask to view the procedure to remove identification, facility and system access for terminated employees.DSI兆毅咨询
We define a procedure for removing identification, facility and system access for terminated employees as, but limited to, date/time of removal, terminated employees name, a record of the identification system device being returned, and the employee name and identification that completed the termination.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have a procedure, answer NO to question twenty one.DSI兆毅咨询
22. Are drivers delivering or receiving cargo positively identified before cargo is received or released?DSI兆毅咨询
We define photo identification as a government or work issued license/badge. An example would be a driver’s license, passport or work badge. DSI兆毅咨询
Ask a manager/supervisor when drivers arrive at the factory, are drivers asked to present identification to be granted access? Ask a manager/supervisor to physically see the truck/container check in/check out log or the truck/driver log.DSI兆毅咨询
If drivers are not asked for identification and the factory does not have one of the logs mentioned, answer NO to question twenty two.DSI兆毅咨询
23. Does the facility have Target Corporation’s Integrity Hotline information displayed throughout?DSI兆毅咨询
Ask a manager/supervisor to physically show you where Target Corporation’s Integrity Hotline information is displayed.DSI兆毅咨询
If the factory does not have Target Corporation’s Integrity Hotline information displayed, answer NO to question twenty three.


 (May not be available if this is initial Factory Evaluation or Compliance Audit)DSI兆毅咨询

 Container No.DSI兆毅咨询
 Seal Number(s)DSI兆毅咨询
 Container Delivery Date:DSI兆毅咨询
 CY or CFS?DSI兆毅咨询
 Port of Loading:DSI兆毅咨询
 Port of Discharge:DSI兆毅咨询
Initial Inspection of containerDSI兆毅咨询
External condition of the container/externoDSI兆毅咨询
Roof condition of the container/techo:DSI兆毅咨询
Wall condition of the container/paderes:DSI兆毅咨询

Floor condition of the container/piso:DSI兆毅咨询
 Door condition of the container/puerta:DSI兆毅咨询
 Style #DSI兆毅咨询

 Grand Total

Shipment Release/Inspection Certification (AMC/TSS Vendor Only)DSI兆毅咨询
Date of Inspection and Inspector:DSI兆毅咨询
Employee Who Sealed ContainerDSI兆毅咨询
 Employee IDDSI兆毅咨询
Date Container SealedDSI兆毅咨询
 Time Container SealedDSI兆毅咨询
Copy of the Seven Point Inspection Check ListDSI兆毅咨询
***Must complete at least two checks in each section***DSI兆毅咨询

Front WallDSI兆毅咨询
 Checks CompletedDSI兆毅咨询
Ensure interior corner blocks are visible and not false, and front wall is made of corrugated material.DSI兆毅咨询
Use a 40’ chain with a marker in the middle to take an interior measurement from the front wall to the rear door of both 40-foot and 20-foot containers. The 40-foot container should measure 39’5” or 12.01 meters. The 20-foot container should measure 19’4”or 5.89 meters.DSI兆毅咨询
Ensure ventilation holes are visible, not covered or absent.DSI兆毅咨询
Use a tool to tap the front wall, there should be a hollow sound.DSI兆毅咨询
Left SideDSI兆毅咨询
 Checks CompletedDSI兆毅咨询
Look for unusual repairs to structural beamsDSI兆毅咨询
Look for repairs on the walls that are visible on the inside and outside of the container.DSI兆毅咨询
Use tool to tap on the sides, there should be a hollow sound.DSI兆毅咨询

Right SideDSI兆毅咨询
 Checks CompletedDSI兆毅咨询
Look for unusual repairs to structural beamsDSI兆毅咨询
Look for repairs on the walls that are visible on the inside and outside of the container.DSI兆毅咨询
Use tool to tap on the sides, there should be a hollow sound.DSI兆毅咨询

 Checks CompletedDSI兆毅咨询
Measure the height of the container from floor to ceiling. A 40-foot and 20-foot container should measure7’10” or 2.38 meters.DSI兆毅咨询
Ensure that the floor of the container is flat. There should not be different floor heights in the container.DSI兆毅咨询
Look for unusual repairs in the floor.DSI兆毅咨询

 Checks CompletedDSI兆毅咨询
The construction of false ceilings/roofs can be either internal or external.DSI兆毅咨询
Observe the distance between the top of the corner block and the top of the roof, e.g., normally the roof is slightly below or flush with the top of the corner blocks.DSI兆毅咨询
Ensure that the ventilation holes are visible, not covered or absent.DSI兆毅咨询
Look for repairs on the ceiling/roof that are visible on the inside and outside of the container.DSI兆毅咨询
Use a tool to tap on the ceiling/roof, there should be a hollow sound.DSI兆毅咨询


Inside/Outside DoorsDSI兆毅咨询
 Checks CompletedDSI兆毅咨询
Ensure that the container door has secure and reliable locking mechanisms.DSI兆毅咨询
Observe the rivet type and color, they should not be different colors or have colored putty surrounding the rivets.DSI兆毅咨询
Ensure that there are not solid plates, where there are usually cavities.DSI兆毅咨询
 Checks CompletedDSI兆毅咨询
The outside/undercarriage of a container should be inspected before it enters the facility.DSI兆毅咨询
Inspect the underneath of the containers visually or with a mirror to make sure that all support beams are visible and no foreign objects are mounted to the container.DSI兆毅咨询
Look for repairs on the outside that are visible on the inside of the container.DSI兆毅咨询
Use a tool to tap on the outside/undercarriage, there should be a hollow sound.DSI兆毅咨询

Related References: DSI兆毅咨询
C-TPAT Medium Audit FormDSI兆毅咨询
Revision History:DSI兆毅咨询

 Rev DateDSI兆毅咨询
 Initial ReleaseDSI兆毅咨询
Removed Global Compliance Audit from the form. Only to be completed by TCPS Team Member conducting Factory EvaluationsDSI兆毅咨询
Revised General Information section of the standard to flow in the same order of the formsDSI兆毅咨询
Removed “Date ISCS Received” field as a mandatory fill field. This will be filled in by Minneapolis Team after completed form is received.


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