
  Supplier Management Does the factory have a documented process to make sure thatincoming raw materials and/or sub-assemblies conform tospecifications and quality standards?0r9兆毅咨询


  Ask for the documented process and records. Documentation must include Standard samples andspecifications.0r9兆毅咨询



  Supplier Management Does the factory have a documented process to make sure thatincoming raw materials, components, and/or sub-assemblies conformto US Safety and Regulatory requirements?0r9兆毅咨询


  Verify that there is a process documented to ensure all incoming raw materials, components and/orsub-assemblies meet US Safety & Regulatory requirements. Paint tested for lead content, etc.0r9兆毅咨询



  Supplier Management Does the factory have documented processes for reviewing productand packaging material in the light box, under the current Targetrequired light source to ensure consistency of color?0r9兆毅咨询

  工厂是否有一个程序文件规定在检验产品颜色和零售包装颜色时,必须在装配了 Target规定的光源的灯箱中进行,以确保颜色的一致性?0r9兆毅咨询

  Verify that a process to review color critical material is documented. Documentation must explainhow to evaluate material, quantity to check and how to use the light box.0r9兆毅咨询

  Not Applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product or there are no colorcritical materials.0r9兆毅咨询




  Supplier Management Are materials stored in a controlled area to avoid theft, loss, damage,deterioration?0r9兆毅咨询


  All raw material must be in an area within the factory perimeter, in a secure area that has a roof andis not subjected to bad weather, water on the ground, etc. Raw materials must be placed on palletsor stored on shelving.0r9兆毅咨询


  原材料必须存放在托盘上或者货架上 Production Control Do documented PRODUCTION flow diagrams exist and do theyidentify quality control points?0r9兆毅咨询


  Verify production procedure documentation supports the factory production. Must be written in thelanguage that is understood by workers. Must be divided per department-process and operation.0r9兆毅咨询

  Verify quality control points shown on diagram.0r9兆毅咨询


  Production Control Are there documented PRODUCTION instructions present at eachproduction operation?0r9兆毅咨询


  While on the production floor look for production procedures for each operation/machinery. Mustbe written in the language that is understood by workers.0r9兆毅咨询


  Production Control Are there documented INLINE INSPECTION instructions at eachinspection operation?0r9兆毅咨询


  Verify inspection procedure is suitable for the product, process and department. Must be written inthe language that is understood by workers. While on production floor, validate inspectionprocedure documentation at each inspection area. These must be specific to that phase of productionand indicate required frequency.0r9兆毅咨询



  Production Control Does factory keep internal INLINE inspection records? 工厂是否保存半成品质量检验记录?0r9兆毅咨询

  Inline inspection report must be current and include the following information: production line, date,style, operation, frequency, defects, accept and reject quantity and inline inspector's name.0r9兆毅咨询


  Production Control Does the factory perform During Production (DUPRO) inspectionsto a standard AQL or acceptable statistical quality level that is equalto or tighter than Target's AQL?0r9兆毅咨询

  工厂是否有中期随机抽检程序。 中期检验的接受标准是否按照国际通用的 AQL的标准设定?或者根据其它可接受的质量统计数据,其接受标准等于或者严于 Target AQL标准?0r9兆毅咨询

  Verify Factory AQL. Must be documented and at least as strict as Target's. Inspections mustinclude workmanship and measurement when applicable.0r9兆毅咨询

  Not Applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product.0r9兆毅咨询



  Production Control Does factory keep internal DUPRO inspection records? 工厂是否保存中期随机抽检报告?0r9兆毅咨询

  Verify internal DUPRO documentation is current.0r9兆毅咨询

  Not Applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product.0r9兆毅咨询



  Production Control Does the factory use defect samples in the production area to showexamples of common defects?0r9兆毅咨询


  Verify if defect samples or photo's are available. These must be located in the Production area.0r9兆毅咨询

  Samples must indicate type of defect. must be written in the language that is understood by workers.0r9兆毅咨询

  核实工厂是否将常见的瑕疵样品或者照片在生产现场展示。瑕疵样品必须能够明确展示疵点的类型,瑕疵必须使用生产工人可以理解的语 Production Control Does the factory have some type of listing to identify specificdefects and is it being used in their inspections?0r9兆毅咨询


  Factory defect listing must have codes for all defect types (similar to Target's DCL). Validateutilization through review of inspection records.0r9兆毅咨询


  Production Control Does the factory perform Final Random Inspections (FRI) to astandard AQL or acceptable statistical quality level that is equal to ortighter than Target's AQL?0r9兆毅咨询


  抽样标准是否按照AQL的标准设定?或者其它可接受的质量统计数据,其接受标准等于或者严于Target AQL标准?0r9兆毅咨询

  Verify Factory AQL. Must be documented and at least as strict as Target's. Inspections mustinclude workmanship and measurement when applicable.0r9兆毅咨询



  Production Control Does the factory keep internal FRI inspection records? 工厂是否保存最终随机抽检报告?0r9兆毅咨询

  Verify internal FRI results. Must be documented and up to date. This is an internal factoryinspection separate from the Target conducted inspection.0r9兆毅咨询


  最终随机抽检记录是工厂内部的检验记录,而不是 Target 的检验报告 Production Control Does the internal FRI include inspecting packaging and cartons?0r9兆毅咨询


  Information regarding inspection of packaging and cartons must be documented on internal FRIform. Not Applicable will apply if factory does not manufacture a finished product.0r9兆毅咨询



  Production Control Does the factory have an internal documented pre-productionprocess?0r9兆毅咨询


  Factory must hold a meeting before production starts. Documented process must indicate when themeeting will take place and attendees. Discussion topic's must include samples, product detailreview, packaging & labeling, product testing, and production planning.0r9兆毅咨询



  Production Control Does the factory hold a pre-production meeting prior to start ofproduction?0r9兆毅咨询

  工厂是否在大货生产开始之前召开产前会? Verify pre-production documentation shows the meeting takes place prior to the start of production. 核对工厂的产前会议记录以鉴别产前会议是在大货生产之前召开的。0r9兆毅咨询

  Production Control Do documented Pre-Production meeting records exist? 工厂是否有产前会议记录? Verify historical records confirm the existence of records. 核对工厂的以前的产前会议记录文件。0r9兆毅咨询

  Production Control Are both production and factory QC represented at the preproductionmeeting?0r9兆毅咨询

  生产部门人员和质检人员都会出席产前会吗? Verify documented representation includes Production and QC departments . 核对工厂的产前会议记录中是否有生产部门和质量部门的人员参加。0r9兆毅咨询

  Production Control Are product specifications and approval samples reviewed prior toproduction or at the pre-production meeting and is this documentedin the meeting notes?0r9兆毅咨询


  Verify meeting notes document discussion of product specifications and approval samples. 核对工厂的产前会议记录中是否有产品规格和产前样核可的记录。0r9兆毅咨询


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