
  生产控制Are product test requirements and results reviewed prior toproduction or at the pre-production meeting and is this documentedin the meeting notes?QS2兆毅咨询


  Verify meeting notes document discussion of product test requirements and results.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产控制Are key product and quality requirements reviewed, identified anddocumented prior to production or at the pre-production meeting?QS2兆毅咨询


  Verify key product and quality requirements have been identified through review of pre-productionmeeting notes.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产控制Are Pre-production meeting notes/issues communicated to theappropriate personnel?QS2兆毅咨询


  Validate factory has a process to communicate the output or action plan of the pre-productionmeeting including action items including accountability and timing.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产控制Does a documented process and records exist for the factory tocompare first production units to client approval sample andspecifications?QS2兆毅咨询


  Verify that there is a process where QC/Production compares the first production units off the lineagainst the clients approval sample and specifications. Required documentation must includeverification of measurements, construction, workmanship and if applicable corrective action plan.QS2兆毅咨询



  生产控制Are finished goods stored in a controlled area to avoid theft, loss,damage, deterioration?QS2兆毅咨询

  工厂的成品是否储放在一个被管控的区域以避免盗窃、丢失, 破损、变质?QS2兆毅咨询

  Verify all finished must be in an area that is secure and not accessible by general factory population.QS2兆毅咨询

  This area must have a secure perimeter and a roof. There must be assigned personnel to monitorthis room. The goods must be on pallets or shelving.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产控制Is the identification of raw materials and components adequate toensure traceability ?QS2兆毅咨询


  Verify raw materials and components can be identified to ensure traceability. This includes:QS2兆毅咨询

  packaging, processing aids, intermediate/semi-processed products, part-used materials, finishedproducts and materials pending investigation. This includes materials sourced from more than onesupplier. An example would be tracing a button to its supplier; or a screw to its supplier, etc.QS2兆毅咨询


  举例:根据清晰的标识追溯钮扣的供应商,螺丝钉的供应商 Production ControlIs traceability available from source of raw material and componentsthru finished product?QS2兆毅咨询


  Select a sample of different finished goods and have the factory explain & demonstrate the lot/batchidentification of the raw materials & components used to manufacture these finished goods.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产控制Does the factory test the traceability system to ensure it works?QS2兆毅咨询


  Verify the factory periodically confirms that their traceability system is working. Ask the factory toprovide records in the form of reports or meeting minutes that would support the factory is ensuringthe effectiveness of the traceability system.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产控制Are final products suitably marked on packaging and/or product toallow identification and traceability?QS2兆毅咨询


  Select a sample of different finished goods and verify:QS2兆毅咨询

  A. Children's products have traceability labeling on packaging and product.QS2兆毅咨询

  B. All other products have traceability on packaging.QS2兆毅咨询

  Not Applicable will apply only if factory does not produce finished goods.QS2兆毅咨询


  A 儿童产品的产品自身和零售包装上要有追溯标识。QS2兆毅咨询

  B 其他的产品在零售包装上有追溯标识。QS2兆毅咨询


  生产控制Is there an SOP that requires customer approval when changingmaterials, components, design, or manufacturing processes that mayaffect meeting safety, regulatory and quality requirements of theproduct?QS2兆毅咨询


  Verify the factory's written procedures for notifying customers and obtaining approval when thefactory is changing materials, components, design or manufacturing processes that could affectsafety, regulatory and quality requirements of the finished goods.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产测试计划Does the factory have a documented Production Test Plan(s) (PTP)independent of Target's requirements?QS2兆毅咨询

  工厂是否有完全独立于Target质量要求之外的生产质量控制计划(Production Test Plan)?其上列明关键质量控制计划和相应的测试要求。QS2兆毅咨询

  Ask for documentation that confirms the existence of a PTP.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产测试计划Does the PTP meet Target minimum requirements?QS2兆毅咨询


  Verify the PTP documentation includes the following elements of testing, inspection andmanufacturing controls:QS2兆毅咨询

  1. Type2. Frequency3. Criteria核对工厂的生产质量控制流程,其上至少包含以下内容:QS2兆毅咨询

  1. 测试、检验和生产质量控制的类型。QS2兆毅咨询

  2. 测试、检验和生产质量控制的频率。QS2兆毅咨询

  3. 测试、检验和生产质量控制的标准。QS2兆毅咨询

  生产测试计划Is the PTP appropriate for the product and processes involved?QS2兆毅咨询


  Is the factory's PTP appropriate when taking into consideration the product type, product risk level,site conditions, manufacturing capabilities and manufacturing controls and level of Quality Systemsimplementation.QS2兆毅咨询


  生产测试计划Are there records to support the PTP is being executed asdocumented?QS2兆毅咨询


  Review test reports, inspection results and manufacturing control records to verify the PTP is beingexecuted as written with regard to frequency, type of, criteria used, etc.QS2兆毅咨询


  控制约定的材料Does the factory have effective documented procedures for thecontrol of non-conforming materials and products includingidentification, segregation and dispositioning?QS2兆毅咨询


  Verify the factory has a written SOP which describes how non-conforming material is identified,segregated or kept from getting placed back in with normal production. Also, there is to be adisposition process where a documented decision is made to rework or repair, scrap or discard, use"As Is", etc. along with decisions to recertify or not, test, inspect, etc. The disposition is to identifythe person who authorized the actions.QS2兆毅咨询




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