
      问题现象: 电线外露.x04兆毅咨询
      解决措施: 外露的电线增加绝缘措施.x04兆毅咨询
      BSCI条款: x04兆毅咨询
      B.11.4 Electricityx04兆毅咨询
      a) Are electrical installations checked periodically?x04兆毅咨询
      a) 是否定期检查电力装置?x04兆毅咨询
      b) Are blank electrical contacts exposed?x04兆毅咨询
      b) 不在使用的电力接触是否外露?x04兆毅咨询
      c) Are electrical installations properly fixed so that they cannot easily fall down?x04兆毅咨询
      c) 电力装置是否安装妥当,以致不会很容易掉下来?x04兆毅咨询
      d) Are electrical cords correctly fixed or repaired with tape?x04兆毅咨询
      d) 电线是否妥当地安装或用胶布修补?x04兆毅咨询
      e) Are encasements of electrical machinery, devices and attachments broken?x04兆毅咨询
      e) 存放电动机器、用具和附件的箱子是否破烂?x04兆毅咨询
      f) Is there a danger that electrical installation will energize surrounding installation (e.g. fragile electrical cords close     to metal)?x04兆毅咨询
      f) 电力装置会否对四周的装置构成危险(例如容易破损的电线与金属物距离很近)?x04兆毅咨询
      g) Are high voltage signs properly installed where needed (e.g. main power point, main fuse box)?x04兆毅咨询
      g) 当有需要的时候,是否妥当地安装好高电压(例如主要电源插座、主要保险丝盒)的标志?x04兆毅咨询
      h) Are workplaces obstructed by distribution lines (e.g. electrical cords lying on the floor causing employees tox04兆毅咨询
       trip over them, electrical cords on tables, poorly installed electrical cords creating a risk of strangulation)?x04兆毅咨询
      h) 工作场所是否被分送线路阻碍(例如地面上的电线可能令员工绊倒,桌面上的电线,安装差劣的电线可能构成勒死的危险)?x04兆毅咨询
      i) Are power hubs, electrical control stations, fuse boxes lockable?x04兆毅咨询
      i) 电线插孔、电力控制站和保险丝盒子是否可以上锁?x04兆毅咨询
      j) Are the boxes made out of non flammable material?x04兆毅咨询
      j) 这些盒子是否用非易燃物料制成?x04兆毅咨询
      k) Are light fittings, switches, plugs etc. in good condition, not broken and don’t cause danger (electrocution)x04兆毅咨询
       to employees (missing cover for switches and plugs)?x04兆毅咨询
      k) 灯光设备、开关掣和插座的状况是否良好,没有损毁,也不会(因为电掣和插座失去覆盖)构成(如电殛)危险?x04兆毅咨询
      l) Do employees working with electricity have adequate qualification?x04兆毅咨询
      l) 工作涉及电力的雇员是否有足够资格?x04兆毅咨询



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