
Q: Do my factories have to participate in the WRIP program if we do1A1兆毅咨询
business with Sears Holdings Corporation in China?1A1兆毅咨询
A: No, any factory actively producing Sears Holdings Corporation1A1兆毅咨询
merchandise in China may participate in the program so long as they1A1兆毅咨询
agree to the five requirements discussed above. For factories that1A1兆毅咨询
falsify their records, underpay their workers and /or work excessive1A1兆毅咨询
hours, Sears Holdings Corporation strongly encourages participation1A1兆毅咨询
to reduce the risk that Sears Holdings Corporation will terminate1A1兆毅咨询
the factory.1A1兆毅咨询

问:如果我的工厂与Sears Holdings Corporation公司在中国有业务协作,都必须参与WRIP改善计划吗?1A1兆毅咨询
答:不。只要理解并同意上面的五点要求,任何在中国生产Sears Holding1A1兆毅咨询
Sears Holdings Corporation公司都鼓励其参与WRIP改善计划,以降低被Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询

Q: Can my factory in India participate in this program?1A1兆毅咨询
A: No, this program is for factories in China only. Factories in1A1兆毅咨询
other countries should work hard to ensure ongoing compliance with1A1兆毅咨询
local law and the Sears Holdings Corporation Code of Vendor Conduct.1A1兆毅咨询
If there are challenges to comply, Sears Holdings Corporation1A1兆毅咨询
encourages the factory to discuss these issues with years Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Corporation so that we can work together on developing a corrective1A1兆毅咨询
action plan.1A1兆毅咨询

答:不可以。WRIP改善计划仅适用于中国范围内的Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Holdings Corporation公司鼓励协作工厂与Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询

Q: What are the benefits of participation in the WRIP program?1A1兆毅咨询
A: The benefit includes less frequent audits and the ability to1A1兆毅咨询
continually produce Sears Holdings Corporation orders so long as the1A1兆毅咨询
factory adheres to the WRIP requirements. Another key benefit is1A1兆毅咨询
that factories will develop their own Improvement Plan based on1A1兆毅咨询
their own business needs. While Sears Holdings Corporation will1A1兆毅咨询
review the plan, it will likely be accepted so long as it is1A1兆毅咨询
accurate anti complete, within the standards or other factories in1A1兆毅咨询
the same area/business, and the factory is willing to make gradual1A1兆毅咨询
progress to correct noted deficiencies according to the Improvement1A1兆毅咨询
Plan. This is a key benefit because it allows a factory to determine1A1兆毅咨询
the timeframe it can make the necessary changes to make sustainable1A1兆毅咨询
progress towards compliance.1A1兆毅咨询

答:益处包括减少经常性的评估,只要工厂遵循WRIP改善计划就可以继续与Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Corporation公司合作“更重要的一点,工厂可以基于自己的商业需要提出可行的WRIP改善计划。当然Sears Holding1A1兆毅咨询
Holdings Corporation公司一般会接受,这是最大的益处。Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询

Q: Will Sears Holdings Corporation disclose the true working hours1A1兆毅咨询
and wages to other retailers?1A1兆毅咨询
A: No,all information relating to this program will remain1A1兆毅咨询
confidential. Sears Holdings Corporation wants WRIP participants to1A1兆毅咨询
feel comfortable that the information provided to Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Corporation will remain confidential.1A1兆毅咨询

问:Sears Holdings Corporation公司会透露工厂真实的工时和工资状况给其它品牌公司吗?1A1兆毅咨询
答:不会。所有改善计划的资料都是机密的。Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询

Q: What is the, WRIP Improvement Plan?1A1兆毅咨询
A: The WRIP Improvement Plan is the detailed document that lists out1A1兆毅咨询
key factory data on such issues as average working hours, maximum1A1兆毅咨询
working hours, minimum pay for regular and overtime hours provided1A1兆毅咨询
per worker, and the percentage breakdown for all workers by wage1A1兆毅咨询
rate. To participate in the WRIP Program, factories must provide1A1兆毅咨询
such detailed information to Sears Holdings Corporation for review1A1兆毅咨询
based both on actual and Projected/planned information over a1A1兆毅咨询
one-year time period(the data provided must begin with the recent 21A1兆毅咨询
months prior to the last audit by Sears Holdings Corporation, or1A1兆毅咨询
begin with the recent 6 months if your factory has not been audited1A1兆毅咨询
by Sears Holdings Corporation). Sears Holdings Corporation will1A1兆毅咨询
provide WRIP participants with a formatted excel spreadsheet1A1兆毅咨询
(Appendix A) with instructions on how to complete the WRIP1A1兆毅咨询
Improvement Plan.1A1兆毅咨询

Holdings Corporation公司评审。此类资料应该是最近一年内的(Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Corporation公司曾经审核过的工厂,其提供的查料,应从上一次蕃核前雨个月开始;若是未经Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Corporation中核过的工蔽,其提供的资料应从最近六个月开始)。Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询

Q: What happens if a WRIP factory submits falsified records to1A1兆毅咨询
Sears Holdings corporation auditors?1A1兆毅咨询
A: Any factory that has been accepted into the WRIP program must1A1兆毅咨询
provide true and complete records to Sears Holdings Corporation1A1兆毅咨询
auditors upon request. If a WRIP factory submits falsified records,1A1兆毅咨询
the factory will be terminated. Once accepted into the WRIP program,1A1兆毅咨询
all records provided must be accurate. This is a non-negotiable1A1兆毅咨询

答: 所有已参与WRIP改善计划的工厂必须按要求提供真实的、有效的、完整的记录和资料给Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Q: Where can I learn more?1A1兆毅咨询
A: By calling or setting up a meeting with Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Corporation labor compliance staff. In particular, factories are1A1兆毅咨询
encouraged to learn more about this program by contacting Mr. Johnny1A1兆毅咨询
Wong, Global Compliance Department of Sears Holdings Corporation.1A1兆毅咨询
His phone number is 86-755-82227283 (Shenzhen) /852-273360161A1兆毅咨询
(Hong Kong) and his email address is .1A1兆毅咨询

答:可致电或电邮与Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询
Corporation公司采购准则评审部联系。有意了解WRIP改善计划的协作工厂,可联系Sears Holdings1A1兆毅咨询


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