
  Plant-derived material sourcing 植物的材料采购.yN7兆毅咨询

  What percentage of your plant- dervied material supply was traced to the processing facility, covered by a comprehensiveplan for managing farm-level environmental impacts, and covered by a veri fi able comprehensive plan for farm level socialimpacts?yN7兆毅咨询
  你的植物原料供应中有多少比例被追踪到加工设施,包括一个 全面的管理农场环境影响的计划,并由一个 可验证的农业水平社会影响的全面计划所覆羔?yN7兆毅咨询

  A- Not applicable. Our products do not contain anv plant derived materials.选项A:不适用。我们的产品不含任何植物的原料。yN7兆毅咨询

  B- We are unable to determine at this time选项B;我们目前不能确定。yN7兆毅咨询

  C-We are able to reDort the following for our plant-dervied material suDDlv: 选项C:我们可以报告如下植物材料供应:yN7兆毅咨询

  _______% of our plant-derived material supply, by mass, was traced to the processing facility.yN7兆毅咨询

  _______of ourplant-derived material supply, by mass, was covered by a verifiable comprehensive plan for managing farmlevel environmental impacts .yN7兆毅咨询
  我们的植物源材料供应的多少百分比,按质量计算,是由个可验证的综合计划所涵盖的, 用于管理农场水。yN7兆毅咨询

  _______% of ourplant-derived material supply, by mass, was covered by a verifiable comprehensive planf or farm level socialimpacts.yN7兆毅咨询

   Wastewater generation - Supply Chain 供应链废水排放量.yN7兆毅咨询

  What percentage of textile fabric used in your final product, by mass purchased, was provided by suppliers' whose processing facilities have undergone supplier audits and can demonstrate improvement on at least two of the five following metrics in the last twelve months: biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), temperature, and pH?yN7兆毅咨询

  A- We are unable to determine at this time.选项A:目前不确定。yN7兆毅咨询

  B- We are able to report the following for the textile fabric used in our products 选项B:我们能够报道出以下纺织面料在我们产品中使用情况。yN7兆毅咨询

  Water use - Supply chain供应链供水情况。yN7兆毅咨询



  A- We are unable to determine at this time.选项A:目前不确定。yN7兆毅咨询

  B- The following percentage of fabric, by mass purchased, was produced by suppliers that reported total water use.选项B:按质量购买的布料比例,以下百分比是由报告总用水量的供应商生产的。yN7兆毅咨询


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